Aiming for zero accidents
We have come together with our employees, partners and subcontractors, as well as our clients, to aim for zero accidents, a priority that is the guiding light of our health-and-safety policy. We make safety a key value that is shared and promoted, by controlling critical risks, updating working practices and improving everyone’s skills.
At Dalkia, we are well aware that safety is now and forever. That is why our motto, “When it comes to safety, later is too late”, is displayed at all our facilities, as well as on uniforms and personal protective equipment (PPE).
A widely-shared culture
Our health-and-safety policy extends to all external stakeholders - suppliers, subcontractors and clients - to ensure an effective and comprehensive approach.
The policy includes:
- contractual commitments;
- a health-and-safety charter for subcontractors;
- a supplier charter that clearly mentions our commitment to reducing workplace accidents;
- time set aside for discussing best practice in safety.
Our initiatives and actions embody our common health-and-safety culture both in France and everywhere else we operate:
- resources for use in the field developed by our subsidiary Imtech, which has received six Gold Awards from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) for its safety policy;
- safety days held by Dalkia Froid Solutions;
- the “Tackling Addiction Together” campaign launched in the Paris region;
- mental-health awareness initiatives at Imtech in the United Kingdom, etc.
Inclusion and diversity at work
We hire a large number of young people on work-study programs. With Pôle Emploi (Pôle Emploi is a public institution in charge of employment in France), we implement a professional retraining program. We are extremely demanding in terms of inclusion and have obtained the Diversity label.
We work for professional equality at all levels of the company and provide adapted jobs for people with disabilities.
We support the parenthood of our employees and desire to maintain a healthy family life.
We fight relentlessly against sexism and violence of all kinds, as well as against discrimination in general.
Our Women's Energy in Transition award promotes the place of women who put their skills to work in the energy transition.
As a responsible employer, we maintain a dynamic social dialogue and develop the skills and employability of our employees throughout their careers.
Our training courses are designed to meet the needs of our personnel, allowing them to improve their management skills, professional demeanour, teamwork abilities, sustainable development awareness, etc. We also provide staff training in new digital tools to support our digital transition.
Integrity and respect for human rights
We promote a culture of integrity and have zero tolerance for fraud and corruption. Ethical and lawful conduct is the absolute rule for all our employees, at all levels of the company, without exception.
Wherever we operate, we are committed to respecting and upholding human rights in all our activities.
Since 2015, EDF Group has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact, which sets out ten principles relating to human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. This charter reflects the three values of the Group to which we belong: respect, solidarity and responsibility.
A code of conduct and a whistleblowing system was set up to complete the system.
Less fuel poverty
Because fuel poverty is increasingly common in developed countries, we are raising awareness among the public concerned.
Through the development and densification of heating networks using renewable and recovered energies, we are helping to reduce fuel poverty by giving priority to local, sustainable energy that is less dependent on fossil fuels and subject to reduced VAT in France.
We also encourage heating network customers to make energy savings through incentive-based pricing.
81 %
of annual training hours focus on health and safety
workshops are led by our managers each year, focusing on health and safety topics
56.5 %
management safety visits each year, to boost adherence